Fast Camera app compatible with many iOS devices - iPhone, iPad touch, iPad
Fast Camera app icon
Fast Camera name on iTunes

Re-imagine how you take pictures!
Turn your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch
into a powerful, professional tool.
Capture live action, self-portraits, group
photos, and even time-lapses at up to
800 pictures a minute with Fast Camera!



Shoot like the pros do!
Take dozens of pictures using
the front and/or rear camera,
and save the best. Review your
pictures, select your favorites
and save to your camera roll.
Fast Camera conserves valuable
memory space by saving only
the photos you select to save.


Interval Timer

Group photos made easy!
Use the built-in interval times to
delay the start of Fast Camera
to join in on the pictures. Take
multiple photos for review to find
the perfect one. Stop fixing mediocre
pictures and start taking superior photos.


Controls & Settings

Full features that pros demand!
Customize the Fast Camera settings
for the perfect picture. Manual
controls allow locking of focus,
exposure, and white balance.
Settings allow you to change
the resolution, picture delay, and
auto-start to your personal style.

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